Severna Park Middle School: 2016 - 2019

Upon arriving at Severna Park Middle School (SPMS) every day, the Maryland Green School flag is always on display – an immediate and constant symbol of the pride the entire SPMS community takes in having attained this status. Enter the building, take witness to the lessons and practices, and this point is further validated. It’s clear that SPMS deserves to maintain the honor bestowed eight years ago. At that time, our school’s initial application stated,
“SPMS plans to use its Green School Certification as a spring board to further its commitment to environmental education and activities. We look to focus on improving school grounds to inspire outdoor learning activities in the courtyard and surrounding fields, including the implementation of a rain garden. Our upcoming Earth Day Festival motto says it best: Go Green – Earth Day and Every Day! At SPMS, in and out of the classroom, we are green and endeavor to keep going!”
We are pleased to report that this ideal is indeed well established at SPMS and the specific goals have been accomplished! In fact, not one, but three rain gardens were installed and are maintained by students in conjunction with community partners and parent volunteers as part of environmental service learning endeavors. Since being certified as a Maryland Green School in 2011 and re-certified in 2014, Severna Park Middle School has fully embraced this distinction, striving not merely to sustain the program, but strengthen it to the point where it is truly integral to the culture and identity of the entire school community.
Decisions are routinely made in which the Green School designation is a significant factor. In fact, a Green School Committee now exists as part of the School Improvement Team. For example, monthly newsletters, the student newspaper and literary magazine have gone paperless. Printed student progress reports are now printed on both sides of the paper to reduce paper usage for this task by fifty percent. This prompted several teachers to do the same with student files for parent-teacher conferences. Given the size of the school and the extent of student work samples comprising a portfolio, this amounts to significant reduction in solid waste. The goal is to implement this practice school-wide. Staff involved in making these policy changes all commented similarly, “as a green school, we should and need to do this”. The same reasoning is also why buy-in from all the staff, students and parents was easily attained.
The staff has embraced the philosophy and promote it via curriculum integration, classroom practices and extra-curriculars, as well as living it every day while they are on campus through their use of materials and habits. All of these things are wonderful in and of themselves, but even greater is the climate this has created, paving the way for students to come forward to further advance the Green School program by sharing their individual interests and commitments. Student led green initiatives have soared at SPMS as a result of increased awareness and commitment to retaining Maryland Green School status. Students have led various drives such as collecting used sporting goods equipment and students in scout troops implemented projects related to responsible transportation and clean air, both in and out of the building. All of these programs were made possible because the school proudly promotes its Green School status and the commitment to retain and advance it.
The Green School program at SPMS has flourished since the school first won the award. We are excited about the prospects of what retaining re-certification and ultimately sustainability holds for our school. The root of the SPMS green school program is firmly established and we are committed to its growth, strengthening and expanding the branches through students, staff and projects.
It is our fervent hope that once again attaining Maryland Green School Re-certification is the pat on the back that inspires our community to keep going greener!
“SPMS plans to use its Green School Certification as a spring board to further its commitment to environmental education and activities. We look to focus on improving school grounds to inspire outdoor learning activities in the courtyard and surrounding fields, including the implementation of a rain garden. Our upcoming Earth Day Festival motto says it best: Go Green – Earth Day and Every Day! At SPMS, in and out of the classroom, we are green and endeavor to keep going!”
We are pleased to report that this ideal is indeed well established at SPMS and the specific goals have been accomplished! In fact, not one, but three rain gardens were installed and are maintained by students in conjunction with community partners and parent volunteers as part of environmental service learning endeavors. Since being certified as a Maryland Green School in 2011 and re-certified in 2014, Severna Park Middle School has fully embraced this distinction, striving not merely to sustain the program, but strengthen it to the point where it is truly integral to the culture and identity of the entire school community.
Decisions are routinely made in which the Green School designation is a significant factor. In fact, a Green School Committee now exists as part of the School Improvement Team. For example, monthly newsletters, the student newspaper and literary magazine have gone paperless. Printed student progress reports are now printed on both sides of the paper to reduce paper usage for this task by fifty percent. This prompted several teachers to do the same with student files for parent-teacher conferences. Given the size of the school and the extent of student work samples comprising a portfolio, this amounts to significant reduction in solid waste. The goal is to implement this practice school-wide. Staff involved in making these policy changes all commented similarly, “as a green school, we should and need to do this”. The same reasoning is also why buy-in from all the staff, students and parents was easily attained.
The staff has embraced the philosophy and promote it via curriculum integration, classroom practices and extra-curriculars, as well as living it every day while they are on campus through their use of materials and habits. All of these things are wonderful in and of themselves, but even greater is the climate this has created, paving the way for students to come forward to further advance the Green School program by sharing their individual interests and commitments. Student led green initiatives have soared at SPMS as a result of increased awareness and commitment to retaining Maryland Green School status. Students have led various drives such as collecting used sporting goods equipment and students in scout troops implemented projects related to responsible transportation and clean air, both in and out of the building. All of these programs were made possible because the school proudly promotes its Green School status and the commitment to retain and advance it.
The Green School program at SPMS has flourished since the school first won the award. We are excited about the prospects of what retaining re-certification and ultimately sustainability holds for our school. The root of the SPMS green school program is firmly established and we are committed to its growth, strengthening and expanding the branches through students, staff and projects.
It is our fervent hope that once again attaining Maryland Green School Re-certification is the pat on the back that inspires our community to keep going greener!